$39.99 CAD



Summer Management.

Part 2 will help you understand beekeeping as a whole. This course will take you through the summer season, showing you how to manage bees, perform splits, treat for pests & disease, and understand feeding supplements.

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Course Outline:

Early Spring Management

1. Before You Open Your Hive

2. Feeding & Foraging

3. Spring Dwindling

4. Dearth

Hive Checks

1. How To

2. Frame Overview

3. Marking a Queen

4. Queenless State

Signs of Bad Health

1. Nosema

2. Varroa

3. Chalkbrood


Splitting Colonies

1. Swarming

2. Preventing a Swarm

3. How to Split

Summer Management

1. Beekeeping Cycle Overview