$39.99 CAD



Before Beekeeping.

Part 1 covers the aspects of beekeeping you’ll need to know before your bees arrive. Regulations, gathering hive parts and hive tools, setting a hive location, and learning how to install bees from Nucs and Packages.

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Course Outline:

General Requirements

1. General Requirements

2. Permits & Bylaws

3. The Bee Act


1. Two Mile Radius

2. Climate Region

Bee Biology Overview

1. Queens

2. Drones

3. Workers


1. Hive Parts

2. Bee Space

3. Hygiene


1. Hive Tool

2. Smoker

3. Bee Suit

4. Keeping Equipment Clean

Before Your Bees Arrive

1. Hive location

2. Package Bees / Nucs / Installation