$99.00 CAD


Beyond the Basics

Educating New Beekeepers Step-by-Step!

Beyond the Basics is an information rich course designed to guide new beekeepers through their first season. Learn at your own pace as each module builds off the last, taking you from before your bees arrive, to managing colonies, to the overwintering process.

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 Full Course Includes:

  • Beyond the Basics [Part 1]
  • Beyond the Basics [Part 2]
  • Beyond the Basics [Part 3] 

Course Outline:


General Requirements

1. General Requirements

2. Permits & Bylaws

3. The Bee Act


1. Two Mile Radius

2. Climate Region

Bee Biology Overview

1. Queens

2. Drones

3. Workers


1. Hive Parts

2. Bee Space

3. Hygiene


1. Hive Tool

2. Smoker

3. Bee Suit

4. Keeping Equipment Clean

Before Your Bees Arrive

1. Hive location

2. Package Bees / Nucs / Installation


Early Spring Management

1. Before You Open Your Hive

2. Feeding & Foraging

3. Spring Dwindling

4. Dearth

Hive Checks

1. How To

2. Frame Overview

3. Marking a Queen

4. Queenless State

Signs of Bad Health

1. Nosema

2. Varroa

3. Chalkbrood


Splitting Colonies

1. Swarming

2. Preventing a Swarm

3. How to Split

Summer Management

1. Beekeeping Cycle Overview


Main Honey Flow

1. The Main Honey Flow

2. Honey Progress

3. Removing Honey Boxes

Honey Extraction

1. Uncapping Frames

2. Extracting / Filtering

Prep for Winter

1. Optimal Hive Condition

2. Feeding

3. Medication


1. Wrapping

2. Unwrapping

NOTE: This course is an updated version of The Basics of Beekeeping with added content. If you already own The Basics of Beekeeping you may not need this course.